The Working to Recovery Online Recovery College was a project we ran for a number of years. It’s now back on a new fantastic simple to use platform, courses have been updated where necessary and we will also be introducing new courses.
Unlike other Recovery Colleges that have a geographical basis, this online college is open to anyone, anywhere. Students are able to share and learn from each other from around the world, learning whenever they want, wherever they want.
Recovery is about living not existing, enabling people to take up their lives again. We particularly specialise in understanding wellbeing and seeing “psychosis” as a transition period, not as a chronic health condition. We understand that life traumas and spirituality can all get wrapped up and entangled, we help people map the Maze so that recovery from “psychosis” is possible
It is important for us all to be supported in our recovery journeys by effective and committed people, whether consumers/service users, mental health workers, family members, friends, local communities and services. The challenge is to ensure that the opportunity to benefit from recovery is available to all.
Most people agree there is a need to change the current system in order to be more recovery focussed Our vision is that this Recovery College will act as a catalyst in achieving this, enabling people to share their commitment, knowledge and experiences of good practices, with others and the wider community.