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An Introduction to the Hearing Voices Movement




Today in twenty six countries across the world, voice hearers, family members, nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists are developing ways to assist people who hear voices focus on their experiences, get to know their voices and learn to cope with them.

This course provides an introduction to the concepts and values that inform the hearing voices movement, a challenging and innovatory way of working with people who hear voices. It provides an overview of this important work and an introduction to a different way of thinking about the meaning of ‘hearing voices’ based on twenty five years of work by voice hearers and mental health workers and researchers from around the world, including the pioneering work of the psychiatrist Professor Marius Romme and Dr. Sandra Escher.

This course is divided into Two Lessons - 

Lesson 1 - Understanding the Voices Movement

Lesson 2 - The History and Aims of the Hearing Voices Movement

This course will take up to 12 hours to complete.

If you want to undertake the full course, you can find this within our course catalogue.  If you enrol to the full course, we will give you a 25% discount.  However, if you prefer you can just do this Part at full price.


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