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Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Beginning the Recovery Process




Statistics show that up to 1 in 6 males have experienced sexual abuse and are living with the consequences of sexual abuse.  This reality is often not acknowledged by services and by society as a whole, but it is apparent in the high level of suicide attempts, the heavy use of alcohol and drugs, aggression, prostitution, homelessness and criminal offences amongst male survivors of sexual abuse. 

Drawing on the direct experiences of the course leader and other males’, personal journeys from sexual abuse, this course has been designed for both male survivors wanting to explore and start the recovery process and practitioners, family members and friends who want to understand and help male survivors begin their recovery journey.


PART ONE is split into two lessons - 

Lesson One  - Putting Sexual Abuse into Context

In Lesson One you will look at sexual abuse in the context of different areas/perspectives - society, cultures, mental health services, survivors of sexual abuse and practitioners.  This lesson allows you to relate all your learning to your own personal experiences.

Lesson Two  - Understanding Sexual Abuse

In Lesson Two you will look at what is meant by sexual abuse, breaking down the different elements exploring theory and the lived experience.  Drawing on your own personal experiences, the lesson pulls together all your learning as you look at the impact sexual abuse has on the person and how they learn to cope and survive.

This course will take up to 9 hours to complete.

If you want to undertake the full course (TWO PARTS), you can find this within our course catalogue.  If you enrol to the full course, we will give you a 25% discount.  However, if you prefer you can just do PART ONE at the full price.


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