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Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Beginning the Recovery Process




Statistics show that up to 1 in 6 males have experienced sexual abuse and are living with the consequences of sexual abuse.  This reality is often not acknowledged by services and by society as a whole, but it is apparent in the high level of suicide attempts, the heavy use of alcohol and drugs, aggression, prostitution, homelessness and criminal offences amongst male survivors of sexual abuse. 

Drawing on the direct experiences of the course leader and other males’, personal journeys from sexual abuse, this course has been designed for both male survivors wanting to explore and start the recovery process and practitioners, family members and friends who want to understand and help male survivors begin their recovery journey.


PART TWO is split into two lessons - 

Lesson One  - Impact of Sexual Abuse on Males

In Part One you looked at sexual abuse from a more generic aspect, without thinking about it from the perspective of the male.  This was designed so that you gained a general understanding of sexual abuse.  In Lesson One, you look at issues faced specifically for males, thinking about what it is like to be a male and how behaviours are developed when they are sexually abused.

Lesson Two  - Male Survivors: The Recovery Process

In Lesson Two we examine the recovery process for male survivors of sexual abuse.  Understanding and breaking down the specific stages of the recovery process, will enable you to develop a clearer idea of how males can be supported to start their recovery journey.  This Lesson is very experientially based, enabling you to work through each of the stages yourself, whether you have experienced sexual abuse or not.  By going through each of the stages, will help you get a deeper understanding of what the process is.  It will also allow you to develop confidence, skills and knowledge to support a male who has experienced sexual abuse begin their recovery journey.

This course will take up to 17 hours to complete.

If you want to undertake the full course (TWO PARTS), you can find this within our course catalogue.  If you enrol to the full course, we will give you a 25% discount.  However, if you prefer you can just do PART TWO at the full price.



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