Working to Recovery ltd

A Holistic Approach to Recovery from Psychosis


Helping People Live a Richer Life...

Welcome to Working to Recovery, an organisation with many years of experience in taking a different and more holistic approach to aiding recovery from "psychosis". Karen has dedicated much of her life to helping people with lived experience and their families across the world. While much progress has been made in the last 20 years, many people are still unaware of the link between past trauma and psychosis, as well as the links between spirituality and trauma. Our courses and workshops allow people to explore and possibly connect their current condition with what has happened to them in the past, thereby providing a platform for deeper understanding and emotional wellbeing.





 To learn more about our holistic and compassionate approach to assisting in recovery from "psychosis", get in touch with Working to Recovery.

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Working to Recovery and Midwife of the soul presents a series of 2 day workshops exploring the interaction between trauma, body , mind & spirit , This ...
This is a 5 day residential on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides for people with lived experience, family members and professionals involved in ...

Take a look at our full list of workshops to see which course appeals to your requirements.

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A response to DSM V
Rons first year of living with cognitive memory impairment
A workbook for men who have experienced sexual abuse and those that work with them
Beautifully written book of Ron's Journey in and out of psychiatry and a critique on how services should deliver recovery.
a short booklet on personal recovery based on the authors own experiences.
A comprehensive handbook on voice hearing and the hearing voices approach.
An irreverant book of stories of life in the mental health system written by a survivor of that system
A workbook for people who want to recovery from emotional and mental distress and for those who work with them
A workbook for people who self Injure and those that work with them
A ground breaking workbook for people who hear voices , that has been used by voice hearers around the world

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Why Choose Us?



Karen originally a registered mental health nurse, has spent over 36 years soaking in and learning all aspects of recovery from "psychosis" and emotional health . Over the years, she has worked closely alongside the NHS, social services and other voluntary organisations to ensure that people and their families are provided with the precise help that they need to attain emotional wellbeing.


Personal Approach

Led by Karen's experience and compassion, Working to Recovery takes a person-centred approach to mental health that asks: “What has happened to you?” as opposed to “What is wrong with you?” Taking this holistic approach enables us to access the trauma of somebody living with psychosis and how unresolved traumatic events impact on one's physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.






Midwife of the Soul

As part of her holistic approach to emotional wellbeing, Karen has also set up Midwife of the Soul, this provides people with a service that explores spirituality through education and mentoring. All trauma can lead to a disconnection from one's authentic self , spiritual practice including reflecting and learning about our authentic selves, the process of reconnecting with the land and one's ancestry can be hugely helpful for enabling people to grow and acquire emotional wellbeing and to understand the links between spirituality and trauma and their authentic self.

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Choice    Ownership   People    Self

At Working to Recovery, our primary goal has always been to help people achieve greater autonomy in their lives. Our workshops and courses assist people their families and professionals in gaining an enhanced understanding of recovery from psychosis through exploring their own choices, taking ownership, the people they have in their lives and how they see themselves. Having a safe and friendly place in which to discuss this is vital when it comes to giving people more control over their daily lives and gaining emotional wellbeing.






 To access courses and workshops that provide a compassionate source of help for recovery from psychosis, get in touch with Working to Recovery.

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